GA PENTING ' titik dua buka kurung'

Dear ***…..,

I should have never said all will remain good. Why am I always being a liar. I lied. I'm a big liar. Should you stay here, my side. True sky will remain blue even without you, really all still going well. But I do not like it. I was fragile even far worse this time than before.

should you still here so I can get for this sadness because only you who can understand me. I miss your laughter, I miss someone say "do not forget to eat, keep health" I miss you

How are
 you,bego? what's good? It must be very good. I should still hold your hand at the time. Why must all become like this?. Why am I still forced to remember the memories of you.

Everthing will stay right where the first time as this feeling is not there. We will remain become good friends. Yeah we are just friends and as long as such.

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